Monday, February 27, 2006

Tap Water—the Ultimate Pacifier!

During the past couple of weeks we've discovered that certain sounds help soothe Alyse from a crying state. Most any noise will eventually calm her, so long as it is constant (i.e. vacuum cleaner, dryer, etc.).

The discovery I have made, however, is that nothing works as quickly and effectively as the sound of running tap water. As you will see here, its influence is immediate and total.


bsilverthorne said...

He-he-he. Christmas?
How 'bout 20 minutes ago.
Nice work.

Elizabeth Wickland said...

That is too funny! The things you learn...

Amy Butler said...

I wonder if that makes her pee too.

Anonymous said...

Annette and Michelle think that you need to buy her a fountain to keep next to her whatever room she is in.
That is pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

Emily did the exact same thing when she was a baby. Pray that the spell binds till she's 10.