Monday, February 06, 2006

Hummel from Alcatraz, Out!

It was all well and good being an expecting parent, but I daresay I am overdue to be an actual parent.

For all the hype, incessant posts, and incorrect predictions, the time has finally come. Time for the fleshy organic ballet that is child-birth; time to slip the surly bonds of the womb, and touch the face of earth.

Within a matter of a day or two, you need not be bothered by my off-beat and oft unwitty banter anymore—this site will be congested with something infinitely more valuable—pictures of the newborn Alyse.

I wish I had something more profound to say, but words—in this case—are patently unnecessary. I won't sully this and coming moments by a minute's more tom-bloggery.

Good day, kind sirs.


Elizabeth Wickland said...

Congratulations on Alyse's birth!!!! The day has arrived!

Leif Wickland said...

Show me the pictures!

The Wrathful Buddha said...

"To slip the surly bonds of earth, and touch the face of God.
To fly -- the dream of man and flightless bird alike."

-Some inspiring words from Con. Hap Hapablap-