Well, despite Annette's dedicated and unflenching belief that today was the day, the sun has set on her wishful thinking. Kudos to her, though, for being so bold as to make the earliest prediction.
In the future, I will make sure to tell Alyse that her aunt Annette stopped by the night before her predicted due date and basically commanded her to begin the cervical breach into the outside world.
Superb bit of guessing though because around 3 AM this morning, Charlotte was near certain she was going into labor. She had the most severe contractions to date—the symptoms of which were mostly indicative of real labor pains.
I was skeptical, of course, but weighed the gravity of the situation slightly more seriously when, at about 4 AM, she told me if I wanted to take a shower before the hospital visit, I should do so with haste. Desperately I showered and tried to get all the baby gear together. The contractions were still too irregular and far apart to take action. We kept timing them and by 7:30 they were sparse.
To be completely truthful, I fell asleep at around 5:30 AM to let Charlotte writhe in her own misery. I wanted to overlook that minor caveat, but Charlotte is forcing me to include it.