Thursday, October 27, 2005

For Posterity's Sake...

Charlotte and I are due at the doctor's office in a few hours for the big ultrasound, the one that reveals the baby's big secret. Reflecting upon some of my final thoughts while our son or daughter, whom has erstwhile been referred to by me as simply "Baby", is still "genderless," I have one final confession to make:

I think it's a boy.

While early in the pregnancy, we were so excited about having a baby, the sex really didn't matter. Then, around the third or fourth month, Charlotte and I really started to lean towards wanting a girl as a first child. Recently, however, I've really started to feel like maybe it is a boy. I don't know, just an overtly reasonless gut feeling.

But just as everything between Charlotte and I has to be a competition, I thought this would be a great way to record the ulimate of all competitions. If history maintains its consistency, the winner shall be me. If it has a trick up its sleeve, as it has so very few times in the past, it will be Charlotte. Only time will tell.

Drew vs. Charlotte.

Boy vs. Girl.

Chief vs. McLoud.

What do you think, sirs?


Elizabeth Wickland said...

I think I'm waiting to see the official post with the official winner. But since I already got that call earlier today... I already know who won.

The Wrathful Buddha said...

First of all, it (she) is so obviously a girl. Secondly the only reason you woud say, you thing it may be a boy before the ultrasound is because indeed you know it is a girl and thusly you don't want to "jinks" it just before the result by saying you thing her to be a girl.

Or quite possibly these "boy feelings" you have may just be an inication to your daughters future butchness.

Should we be getting you some baby Doc Martins, a flannel, and a Madam Hooch doll?


Anonymous said...

Congradulations! Go Girls!!

I can already tell she is a beauty!!
And a proud Aunt I am. Ive already started sending photos to all my friends!!!
Much love to all three of you!
Aunt Jana